Microbial association networks

With a large set of samples we can infer co-occurrence and co-exclusion patterns between taxa. The interpretation of these associations depends on the experimental design. Say we include oral and fecal samples from human subjects, then the associations would largely be dominated by the environmental preference of the taxa, and the network would likely have two clusters; an oral cluster and a fecal cluster. These networks are often created to infer microbial interactions, but it is difficult to dicern between the effects of interactions on co-occurrence and the effect of shared environment (microbes preferring the same nutrients or aboitic condititions are likely to co-exist). Association networks can probably only be used to infer interactions if great care is taken in the experimental design. Read more here.

Types of networks

Correlation network

Networks can be based on correlations where we calculate the correlation between each pair of taxa, independent of all the other taxa. These correlations are not affected by which taxa we include in the network, except that the p-value multiple correction is affected by the number of included taxa.

Examples of correlation network methods:

Inverse covariance network

With inverse covariance we seek to remove indirect associations. Say that taxa A has a positive effect on taxa B, and taxa B has a positive effect on taxa C, but taxa A has no effect on taxa C, and vice versa. Taxa A and C would look to be associated, but this is an indirect effect, mediated by taxa B. Inverse covariance seeks to remove these, and all associations are therefore contingent on which taxa are included in the network

Examples of inverse covariance methods:


In [1]:

# Agglomorate to Genus level
phy_genus <- tax_glom(phy, "Genus")

# Only keep genera present in at least 10 samples
phy_genus_pre <- preDA(phy_genus, min.samples = 10)

# Extract count table:
otu <- data.frame(otu_table(phy_genus_pre))
DAtest version 2.7.18

204 features grouped as 'Others' in the output


The simplest network is to run spearman correlations on all pairs of taxa on relative abundances.

Transform to relative abundances

In [2]:
otu_rel <- apply(otu, 2, function(x) x/sum(x))

Calculate correlations

In [3]:
net <- cor(t(otu_rel), method = "spearman")

Set redundant correlations to NA

In [4]:
net[lower.tri(net)] <- NA

Transform the correlation matrix to a data.frame:

In [5]:
net_df <- as.data.frame.table(net)

Remove correlations between similar taxa, and the redundant ones:

In [6]:
net_df <- net_df[net_df$Var1 != net_df$Var2 & !is.na(net_df$Freq), ]

Remove correlations below 0.6.

In [7]:
net_df <- net_df[abs(net_df$Freq) > 0.6, ]

This data.frame can then be used to plot the network in for example Gephi, CytoScape, or with ggnet2 in R

In [8]:
colnames(net_df) <- c("Source", "Target", "Cor")
net_df$Weight <- ifelse(net_df$Cor > 0, net_df$Cor, 0)
net_df$Sign <- ifelse(net_df$Cor > 0, "Positive", "Negative")
A data.frame: 33 × 5

The weight can be used for clustering algorithms, for example Force Atlas in Gephi. In Gephi, negative weights are not supported, so we set all negative correlations to zero (they have no influence on clustering).


Proportionality is a correlation method specifically developed for compositional microbial data. It is included in the MicEco package and can be run directly on a phyloseq object:

In [9]:
net <- proportionality(phy_genus_pre)

We can then run the same steps as for the Spearman correlation:

In [10]:
net_df <- as.data.frame.table(net)
net_df <- net_df[net_df$Var1 != net_df$Var2, ]
net_df <- net_df[abs(net_df$Freq) > 0.6, ]

As for the Spearman correaltion, you can choose to just set an arbitrary correlation cut-off for including correlations, for example 0.6. It is also possible to calculate p-values through permutations if this is prefered.

In [11]:
colnames(net_df) <- c("Source", "Target", "Cor")
net_df$Weight <- ifelse(net_df$Cor > 0, net_df$Cor, 0)
net_df$Sign <- ifelse(net_df$Cor > 0, "Positive", "Negative")
A data.frame: 22 × 5
26195b523dacb244bb891da4c48923d87888e61d77c1f6555e76891ac27d58707c6 0.60281160.6028116Positive
40358e61d77c1f6555e76891ac27d58707c695b523dacb244bb891da4c48923d8788 0.60281160.6028116Positive
63430978d7032689ab3eeef2fc60e4490e11f5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c7 0.66322130.6632213Positive
6354b6b05223adf86d071fd279f79dc2533cf5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c7 0.69279750.6927975Positive
63569676d0bf5f8468ad67ed9525f3320aeef5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c7 0.77861870.7786187Positive
6362333fc718c6bccdbf0fd4e4f84d0dd38ef5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c7 0.71924860.7192486Positive
63781c88ca8aa0ed62fb2fb8bebb8cb25670f5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c7 0.67278800.6727880Positive
7897f5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c70978d7032689ab3eeef2fc60e4490e11 0.66322130.6632213Positive
9129f5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c7b6b05223adf86d071fd279f79dc2533c 0.69279750.6927975Positive
91569676d0bf5f8468ad67ed9525f3320aeeb6b05223adf86d071fd279f79dc2533c 0.64601490.6460149Positive
9353f5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c79676d0bf5f8468ad67ed9525f3320aee 0.77861870.7786187Positive
9378b6b05223adf86d071fd279f79dc2533c9676d0bf5f8468ad67ed9525f3320aee 0.64601490.6460149Positive
9386333fc718c6bccdbf0fd4e4f84d0dd38e9676d0bf5f8468ad67ed9525f3320aee 0.63996070.6399607Positive
10025f5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c7333fc718c6bccdbf0fd4e4f84d0dd38e 0.71924860.7192486Positive
100529676d0bf5f8468ad67ed9525f3320aee333fc718c6bccdbf0fd4e4f84d0dd38e 0.63996070.6399607Positive
100741c88ca8aa0ed62fb2fb8bebb8cb25670333fc718c6bccdbf0fd4e4f84d0dd38e 0.62886760.6288676Positive
108581c88ca8aa0ed62fb2fb8bebb8cb2567062392dc20bb4fd6c46d3cb038b13cb9e 0.60690130.6069013Positive
11817f5ab8244460d1988b40f85a9347297c71c88ca8aa0ed62fb2fb8bebb8cb25670 0.67278800.6727880Positive
11850333fc718c6bccdbf0fd4e4f84d0dd38e1c88ca8aa0ed62fb2fb8bebb8cb25670 0.62886760.6288676Positive
1185762392dc20bb4fd6c46d3cb038b13cb9e1c88ca8aa0ed62fb2fb8bebb8cb25670 0.60690130.6069013Positive


SparCC is a correlation method which is using various compositional transformations and bootstrapping methods to give reliable correlations on compositional data. The original implemetation is in python, but it is included in the SPIEC-EASI R package.

In [12]:
Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'huge':
  method    from
  plot.roc  pROC
  print.roc pROC

Vedhæfter pakke: 'SpiecEasi'

Det følgende objekt er maskeret fra 'package:MicEco':


SparCC bootstraps (be patient..., it is best to use 1000 or 10000 bootstraps, but it takes too long for this example)

In [13]:
sparcc_boot <- sparccboot(t(otu), R = 100)

SparCC p-values

In [14]:
sparcc_pval <- pval.sparccboot(sparcc_boot)

Turn into a data.frame with taxa names

In [15]:
# Correlation data.frame
net <- matrix(NA, nrow(otu), nrow(otu))
net[upper.tri(net, diag=FALSE)] <- sparcc_pval$cors
rownames(net) <- colnames(net) <- rownames(otu)
net_df <- as.data.frame.table(net)

# P-value data.frame
netp <- matrix(NA, nrow(otu), nrow(otu))
netp[upper.tri(netp, diag=FALSE)] <- sparcc_pval$pval
rownames(netp) <- colnames(netp) <- rownames(otu)
netp_df <- as.data.frame.table(netp)

# Combine
sparcc_df <- merge(net_df, netp_df, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))
colnames(sparcc_df) <- c("Source", "Target", "Cor", "Pval")

# Remove redundant
sparcc_df <- sparcc_df[!is.na(sparcc_df$Cor), ]

Add adjusted p-values

In [16]:
sparcc_df$Pval_adj <- p.adjust(sparcc_df$Pval, method = "fdr")

Keep only significant

In [17]:
sparcc_df <- sparcc_df[sparcc_df$Pval_adj <= 0.05, ]


SPIEC-EASI is a method based on graphical model inference developed specifically for microbial sequence data. There are 3 steps in the SPIEC-EASI analysis: data transformation, graphical model inference, model selection.

SPIEC-EASI might at first seem much more complicated than the other methods, but it has a big strength in that one does not have to choose an arbitrary correlation or p-value cut-off for determning inclusion of edges, SPIEC-EASI tries to estimate this for us automatically.

Data transformation

Data are CLR-transformed, similar to what is done prior to calculating Proportionality.

Graphical model inference

The graphical model can be inferred through either neighborhood selection (mb) or inverse covariance selection (glasso). Inverse covariance is in itself simple to estimate, but since we are usually having many more taxa than samples, we cannot infer inverse covariance through the usual calculations. We therefore use methods for sparse inverse covariance estimation, relying on the assumption that most covariances are small or zero. The amount of sparsity is controlled with a lambda parameter. Both the mb and the glasso methods estimate models over a range of lambda values, and we need a way to pick the final model to use.

Model selection

SPIEC-EASI uses the (bounded) stars criterion for model selection, to choose the lambda parameter which produces the best graphical model.

In R:

In [18]:
se <- spiec.easi(phy_genus_pre, method='glasso', lambda.min.ratio=1e-3, nlambda=30,
               sel.criterion='bstars', pulsar.select=TRUE, pulsar.params=list(rep.num=50, seed=42))
Applying data transformations...

Selecting model with pulsar using bstars...

Fitting final estimate with glasso...


In [19]:
# Get covariances and transform to correlations
netc <- cov2cor(as.matrix(getOptCov(se)))
rownames(netc) <- colnames(netc) <- taxa_names(phy_genus_pre)
netc_df <- as.data.frame.table(netc)

# Get chosen edges
net <- as.matrix(getRefit(se))
rownames(net) <- colnames(net) <- taxa_names(phy_genus_pre)
net_df <- as.data.frame.table(net)

# Combine
se_df <- merge(netc_df, net_df, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))
colnames(se_df) <- c("Source", "Target", "Cor", "Selected")

Subset to only the chosen edges

In [20]:
se_df <- se_df[se_df$Selected == 1, ]

Note that since the covariances are penalized, they are much smaller than from the other methods, and not directly comparable. They can, however, still be used as weights when plotting the network.


You can plot the networks as a heatmap with the pheatmap package:

In [21]:
In [22]:
net <- proportionality(phy_genus_pre)