Installation of packages

This notebook is provided for reproducibility.

Running this in a newly installed R 4.1.1, should generate an environment similar to what was used to generate all notebooks in the repository.

CRAN packages

In [ ]:
), repos='')

BioConductor packages.

In [ ]:
), update = FALSE)

GitHub packages

In [ ]:
devtools::install_github("Russel88/DAtest", force = TRUE, upgrade = "never")
devtools::install_github("Russel88/MicEco", force = TRUE, upgrade = "never")
devtools::install_github("Russel88/COEF", force = TRUE, upgrade = "never")
devtools::install_github("zdk123/SpiecEasi", force = TRUE, upgrade = "never")

Check that packages installed succesfully

The code below should run without error

In [ ]:
pkgs <- list(

for(i in pkgs){