Amplicon Data Analysis

Theory and complete workflow for 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis from raw reads to statistics and plots.

View the Project on GitHub microUCPH/amplicon_data_analysis


This is a collection of notebooks describing the basic analysis workflow for a 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing project - from raw reads to statistics and plots. It is intended for beginners, and therefore includes an introductory section on the R programming language and statistics.

If you find errors/typos or you would like a notebook/section on a specific topic, make a github issue or throw me an email:

The notebooks uses an example dataset, which is a simulated dataset, which is supposed to look like an infant gut microbiome dataset. It is available for download here.

Only for KU students:

Background material:

Bioinformatic workflow:

Analysis workflow:


Extra analysis

This section contains notebooks for more specific and/or advanced data presentations or analyses.

